In an unfolding legal drama, renowned Mexican singer Natanael Cano finds himself embroiled in controversy, facing bribery charges brought by the Sonora State Attorney General’s Office. Known for his “corridos tumbados,” Cano was officially charged on August 19 for an incident dating back to March 29.
The allegations stem from a night when Cano, as shown in videos he posted, was caught speeding in Hermosillo. When officers stopped him, he allegedly bribed them by offering them money in exchange for avoiding the legal penalties normally associated with speeding. The Procuraduria General de Justicia de Sonora acted in this incident and the Hermosillo Police removed the officers involved from their posts.
El "Cantante" de corridos tumbados, Natanael Cano es vinculado a proceso por cohecho y le prohíben salir del país, en Marzo protagonizo una persecución y soborno a Policías en Hermosillo, Sonora (Información en el enlace)
— Blog del Narco México (@blogdelnarcomex) August 20, 2024
Cano subsequently posted a video on social media in which he stated that he had already paid the fine and expressed his willingness to personally apologize to the Hermosillo commissioner. Following this, the Sonora District Attorney’s Office initiated an investigation and months later formal charges were filed. Although there is a precautionary measure to prevent Cano from being imprisoned, his legal problems are far from over. He remains tied to the judicial process, which prevents him from leaving the country without a judge’s approval and requires him to appear in court every two months.
Despite his legal entanglements, Cano’s career has not come to a complete halt. He is scheduled to appear in the Floyd Mayweather vs. Gotti III fight at the Arena CDMX on August 24, indicating that his immediate professional commitments will not be affected.
Fans and critics alike are watching closely to see how Cano’s legal troubles will affect his career trajectory. For now, the singer is walking a tightrope, balancing between his burgeoning career and the looming specter of legal fallout.