In a shocking incident that has shaken the small town of Paderno Dugnano, near Milan, Italy, a 17-year-old boy has confessed to the brutal murder of his entire family. The tragic events were triggered shortly after a seemingly normal celebration of his father’s 51st birthday.

Disturbing details

The teenager, who initially pleaded not guilty, later admitted to using a knife to kill his father, his 49-year-old mother and his 12-year-old brother. During an interrogation, his initial version took an unexpected turn, he confessed that he had first called the emergency services, making up the story that his father had murdered his mother and brother, and then stabbed his father in retaliation. However, he later recanted this version and confessed to having committed the heinous act himself.

What makes this case particularly disconcerting is the apparent lack of warning signs. Family members who attended the birthday celebration the day before the murders reported that everything appeared normal. The young man had no known problems at home or with his peers. However, he revealed to police that he felt deeply misunderstood and unable to connect in any meaningful way with those around him.

In his confession, the teen described feeling “oppressed” and like “a strange effect” in his own home. He admitted to a moment of realization shortly after the act, stating, “I realized a minute later that killing them would not set me free.” This chilling statement offers insight into the complex and disturbed mindset that led to this tragedy.

This devastating event is a stark reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the need for open communication within families. It also highlights the difficulty of detecting and treating underlying problems in seemingly balanced individuals before they escalate to such extreme actions.

Spanish version

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