Southern California Dead-Set On Reaching Half Million Covid-19 Cumulative Cases

The region of Southern California accounts for the bulk of all of California’s cases. While a fraction of these cases remains active, there is a good deal left misunderstood about the lasting impact of Covid-19 on individuals even after they are no longer symptomatic. The implication being that a great number of people are set to find out what these consequences could be with little to no guidance.

Estadísticas por condado
CondadosCasosMuertesÚltima actualización
Los Angeles253,9856,20809/14/2020
San Bernardino50,69983209/13/2020
San Diego42,67973409/13/2020
Santa Barbara8,60810509/13/2020
Total de casos: 484,730Total de muertes: 10,512
Data from Chicano.Press