Environment and Climate Change
Extreme Heat Hitting Mexico: A Deadly Blow to Howler Monkeys in Tabasco and Chiapas
Mexico is currently facing an unprecedented climate crisis, with extreme temperatures reaching over 45 °C in the southern states of Tabasco and Chiapas. This situation is not only affecting the human population, but is also having devastating consequences for the local fauna, especially howler monkeys, a species that is already in danger of extinction.
Tropical Storm Carlotta Strengthens as It Stalks Mexico’s Coastline
The hurricane season continues to be tumultuous, and meteorologists at the National Hurricane Center (NHC)…
Huracán Beryl Arrasa el Sur de Texas: Pérdidas Humanas y Devastación
Amenazada por la fuerza implacable del huracán Beryl, la ciudad de Houston, Texas se ha…
Las Vegas Rompe récord de temperatura con 49°C en medio de una ola de calor extrema en Estados Unidos
Las Vegas, conocida popularmente como la “ciudad del pecado” por sus luces deslumbrantes, casinos bulliciosos…