La Cartita Search

La Cartita: Search Page

La Cartita: Search Page

Started in 2013, La Cartita is a website dedicated to providing a trustworthy platform for analysis and reporting on Mexico and activist movements in the colonized area of Aztlan.

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Meet GOLEM: UNAM's Talking Robot

The video above presents the situation and an example of how GOLEM-II handles the event.

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GHC Conference Booth: Whats App, Social Media With Heavy Presence

Mexican physicist, Dr. Berebichez, speaks on difficulty of initiating path towards science at the Grace Hopper Conference.

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The Rios Montt Trial & Justice for Guatemala

He committed atrocities against dissidents, political opponents and Mayan communities in Guatemala.

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El Taliban Israeli: Lev Tahor en México

Lev Tahor sigue operando en México, Guatemala pero su líder esta muerto, según autoridades