La Cartita

After ICE raids intimidate predominantly Mexican communities, Jeff Sessions visits Sacramento (3/7/2018)

After ICE raids intimidate predominantly Mexican communities, Jeff Sessions visits Sacramento (3/7/2018)

La Cartita --- Yesterday, Chicano, Uncodumented and other community & grassroots organizations convened at the state capitol to voice opposition to Attorney General Jeff Session' statements on the sanctuary status of California. Sessions has voiced staunch criticism of California's measure to protect historically native communities from federal displacement through ICE raids. Fortunately, for millions of people who reside in California without US documentation, the state of California has chosen to publicly oppose Trump's politicized immigration stance.

CHIRLA makes presence felt with high amount of college student participation. (3/7/2018) Photo: Alfredo Lopez

La Cartita --- Yesterday, Chicano, Uncodumented and other community & grassroots organizations convened at the state capitol to voice opposition to Attorney General Jeff Session' statements on the sanctuary status of California. Sessions has voiced staunch criticism of California's measure to protect historically native communities from federal displacement through ICE raids. Fortunately, for millions of people who reside in California without US documentation, the state of California has chosen to publicly oppose Trump's politicized immigration stance.

Rollback of Civil Rights: Jeff Sessions is Chief Architect of Legal Status Question for 2020 Census

Jeff Sessions is thought to have led efforts to politicize the US Census. The current Attorney General is demanding that immigration status be noted in surveys. The majority of undocumented people will often factor into a census without such an identifying marker. The use of the information will filter into ICE raids if not prevented by the Mexican community.

UC Davis Students Join Protest In Sacramento

Among the protestors were UC Davis students from Clinica Tepati, some, like Alfredo Lopez (UC Davis), observed that Trump was simply catering to his political base: " He has spread [a] negaive message on immigration since he announced his candidacy. Its where he gets support from.".

State sponsored terrorism

Many now are also equating ICE raids with state sponsored terrorism. The raids are perceived as political in nature, and the cause of severe pain to many families. The Trump campaign was launched with a widely condemned insult to Mexicans, where he called Mexicans 'rapist' at the front of the Trump power.

Sessions, from Alabama, visits California, a different world.

In a show of force, Jeff Sessions was deployed today to California to assert 'Anglo-American law' (his terminology in past speeches) over the state. Despite popular demand for legal sanctuary for undocumented individuals, the federal government has politicized immigration law further by attributing lost jobs, economic and social prominence of whits to native people migrating to historically native land.

A Reaganesque deregulation scheme has coloured the Donald Trump administration's priorities since its inception, but immigration related fervor has provided a helpful smokescreen for their agenda. More white Americans are turning to native workers as the cause of their social ills.

Alcaldesa de Oakland desafía ICE; anuncia redadas y hay arrestos en Sacramento/ICE Raids Warning From Oakland Mayor; Sacramento Arrests. (02/26/2018)

La Cartita -- En la area de Sacramento se registraron multiples arrestos de parte de la agencia de aduanas mejor conocida como 'ICE', por sus siglas en ingles (Immigration Customs Enforcement). Las redadas fueron anunciadas desde el día de ayer por la alcaldesa de Oakland, Libby Schaaf. Las redadas parecen ser represalias en contra de la comunidad no anglosajona e incluso nativa al continente. Hoy, por la manãna, la corte suprema estadounidense rechazo el razonamiento legal de la administración de Donald Trump para eliminar DACA en una corta federal. Requiere que las protecciones de DACA sigan vigente hasta Marzo 5.

ICE se moviliza contra comunidades nativas al continente en el sur de California. (14/2/2018)

Hoy, en el sur de California, ICE se movilizo contra comunidades nativas al continente Al medio día, el Departamento de Aduanas, al estilo gestapo, forzosamente comenzó a buscar a padres de familia con el fin de separados de sus seres queridos que los esperan en casa. En lugares de trabajo, los agentes efectuaron sus fantasias de héroe grotescas y removidas de la realidad económica y social del territorio sur oeste de Estados Unidos. 100 personas fueron detenidas y se espera que ICE continue estas redadas con el fin de presionar a California abandonar su estatus como estado santuario.

La Migra: trabajando duro para lastimar a gente huyendo las políticas fracasadas del gobierno estadounidense en sus países. Foto: No More Deaths

Relacionado: Redadas en Oakland

ICE va adquirir datos de inmigrantes para el reconocimiento de placas.

Estado de Tejas viola Convención de Viena al ejecutar a Rubén Ramírez Cárdenas.

De Otros Medios - El País, Reuters, Acapulco Sur

El Pais: Trump impone cuotas de inmigrantes a los jueces para acelerar las deportaciones

Reuters: Mercados mexicanos caen por renovados temores guerra comercial, fuerte caída de acciones EEUU

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