La Cartita

AMLO slashes his salary to 40 percent of predecessors

Mexico's new president is set to impose austerity on high ranking government officials by placing a cap on his own presidential salary.

La Cartita --- In Mexico, it is unconstitutional for lawmakers to make more than the Mexican president. Therefore, all high ranking public servants stand to have their salaries slashed to below roughly less than 6 thousand dollars a month.

Quieren dar un golpe de estado los diputados del PRI y PAN, para amarrarle las manos a los nuevos legisladores de Morena.

"How Did She Not Know?"; Questions Persist Regarding Slaying Of 4 Year Old By NYPD Sergeant's Sister

VIDEO: Brooklyn community still outraged over reckless hit and run.

US Republican Congressman accused of ignoring sexual molestation of college wrestlers while a coach at Ohio State University.

Gana AMLO. Con el margen más grande en la historia del país

La Cartita -- - Mexico’s president: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has promised to root out corruption, while pushing government to make investments in social spending.

Chicago Protests Over Gun Control To Shut Down Dan Ryan Expressway On Weekend (07/03/2018)

Winner! AMLO.

Anger Rises In Brooklyn Over Luz Gonzalez Murder; Se prende la mecha en Brooklyn por el caso de Luz Gonzalez (July 1, 2018)

At Iconic Azteca Stadium, Mexico's Next Likely President Greets Crowd of Supporters In Celebration

Jeff Sessions Visit To Los Ángeles, California Triggers Protests:

Photo: AG Jeff Sessions via Business Insider

CDMX Política: Mikel Arriola y su execrable conservadurismo -- opinion de Rodolfo Ondarza

Canada's Harsh Admission Process: Arbitrary, Capricious and Subject to Officer Moods

15 Year Old Boy Stabbed To Death In The Bronx

Proyecto estratégico para la regeneración del sector salud

The Originators: Brownside Still The People's Champ

Power-106: Owned and managaed by conservative Cubans/Latinos, not Mexicans in Mexican majority area.

Opinión: Ricardo Anaya, un muerto viviente. (14/06/2018)

Por Rodolfo Ondarza Rovira (*)

“Lo que mal empieza, mal acaba”, qué mejor frase para expresar lo que le sucede a Ricardo Anaya, ya que en efecto así fueron las breves aspiraciones presidenciales del envalentonado joven, el foxito queretano, que sentía que el mundo era poco para comérselo a pedazos.

Why is Mexico Turning Away from the Far-Right? Answer: Calderon's Legacy

La Cartita Noticias: Dr. Rodolfo Ondarza has 'Trumped Up' Mexican government complaint removed (Spanish)

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Solar Sector Fires Shot At Wall Street

With New York City billboards, solar sector fires salvo in propaganda war against finance sector in home turf.

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AMLO Cancels US Helicopter Purchases

Purchases of the Lockheed Martin MH-60 helicopter are set to be canceled by new popular Mexican president.

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Drono aterriza en propiedad de jefe de seguridad estatal en Baja California.

Un drono con grenadas aterrizo en la propiedad de Gerardo Manuel Sosa Olachea, el jefe de seguridad en Baja California.

Mexican Not Latino

Conejo a.k.a G-Rabs Back With A New Album: Dope Fiend

Rapper releases a string of new albums for global community that bumps cerebral gangster music.